Thousands of termite species have been documented, but all of these species can be narrowed down to three different types of termites known as subterranean, drywood and dampwood termites. In the US, dampwood and drywood termites can only be found in the southern...
Subterranean termites are social insects that dwell in colonies located beneath the ground. Subterranean termite colonies are significantly larger than drywood and dampwood termite colonies found in the southern states. At full maturity, eastern subterranean termite...
Subterranean termites are the most destructive structural pests in the world. The most damaging termite species found in the US, the eastern subterranean termite, is abundant in all areas of Massachusetts. Subterranean termites dwell in colonies beneath the ground...
For several decades, chemical termiticides have been used to control subterranean termites. Subterranean termites dwell in colonies located beneath the ground soil. Colony workers leave colonies in order to gather food sources, such as dead roots, twigs, stumps, other...
Of all arthropod and rodent pests in the world, termites inflict the greatest amount of property damage. In the United States alone, subterranean and drywood termites are responsible for more than five billion dollars in damage to homes and buildings annually, and the...