(781) 599-4317 termiteboys@gmail.com
On The Fly: Are They Termites or Ants?

On The Fly: Are They Termites or Ants?

What has four wings, antennae and can fly? If you said termites or flying ants, you’d be right. But beyond that, there are many differences between them – and as a homeowner, you should know there’s more than meets the eye. Both flying ants (also called carpenter...
How Termites Infest A Home

How Termites Infest A Home

Many homeowners are aware of the threat that termites pose, but they are not exactly sure of how an infestation takes place. It all begins when a colony is mature enough to produce swarmers, the reproductive termites of a colony, which fly out in large groups looking...
Wood destroying organisms report

Wood destroying organisms report

If you are lucky to buy a new home that might be a castle for you, a termite inspection is essential for homeownership. If you are in the real estate business, you may come across the terms such as “termite letter.” It is also known as the “wood...
How to check for termites before purchasing used furniture?

How to check for termites before purchasing used furniture?

Yay! Shopping Time. We all love shopping, especially purchasing furniture from antique shops or thrift stores. However, don’t fall for the discounted price because second-hand furniture can also be home to termites, which can cause expensive destruction. Yes! Termites...
Chew on This: Termite Q & A

Chew on This: Termite Q & A

There are two types of homes in Massachusetts: those that have termites and those that will have them. Your home is your biggest single investment, so protecting it should be a top priority. Termites cost Boston homeowners hundreds of millions of dollars each year....