(781) 599-4317 termiteboys@gmail.com
Know Your Termite

Know Your Termite

A single termite is not a very impressive creature – blind, squishy, pretty much unable to survive outside of the ground. But get a few hundred thousand of them together and you have a wood churning machine. Termites are sometimes referred to as the “silent...
Identifying Termites

Identifying Termites

If you ever notice an insect that looks like an ant crawling in your home, you may be wondering if you are actually dealing with termites. You are not. Termite workers rarely leave their colonies, because they cannot survive outside. Termites need a lot of moisture...
Termites In Your Potted Plants? Here’s How To Get Rid Of Them

Termites In Your Potted Plants? Here’s How To Get Rid Of Them

The home, the garden, and now your potted plants? Yes, termites can even get inside them. Luckily, you do not need to break out the chemical warfare to get rid of these termites, you can use one of several natural methods that are very effective against localized...
Building Codes, Insulation And Termite Infestations

Building Codes, Insulation And Termite Infestations

Pest control practices have changed over the years, and these practices have impacted how crawlspaces are insulated in regions that have high rates of termite infestation. More specifically, termite bonds are now rarely issued if homeowners make certain modifications...