(781) 599-4317 termiteboys@gmail.com
Recovering After Termite Damage

Recovering After Termite Damage

It happened. You discovered a termite infestation in your home. Sadly, it’s an inevitable reality for many homeowners, as termites are responsible for more than $5 billion in damage in the US each year, according to the National Pest Management Association – an...
Red Flags That Could Indicate Termite Infestation

Red Flags That Could Indicate Termite Infestation

While pest professionals don’t recommend a homeowner inspect their home on their own, there are a few red flags that they should look out for that could signal the presence of an infestation.  With the help from experts at NPMA, Termite boys is sharing the top five...
What Are Termite Infestation Probability Zones?

What Are Termite Infestation Probability Zones?

Termite Infestation Probability Zones, or TIP Zones, are used to showcase the risk of infestation across the United States and to determine various policies regarding mortgages and pest control requirements and recommendations. The US Forest Service developed the...