The phylum Arthropoda is made up of invertebrate organisms that possess segmented bodies contained within an exoskeleton. This includes insects, arachnids, millipedes, centipedes, and crustaceans. Arthropods were the first complex organisms to successfully convert...
When we think of pests, we don’t usually think of ants. We think of rats, cockroaches and termites. Ants for the most part are just wandering around the home foraging for food, and will leave as soon as the food sources are exhausted. So can they even compete with the...
You may have heard of the Island of St. Helena, as it has a long and interesting history. The island is volcanic and tropical, as it sits in the south Atlantic ocean twenty five hundred miles east of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. St. Helena is well known for being the...
All termite species are social insects that live in colonies, but unlike single-nesting drywood termites that only inhabit above ground wood in southern states, subterranean termites live within moist ground soil where a single mature colony is typically composed of...
Termite treatments are a necessary expense from time to time for most homeowners, and in comparison to the damage that an uncontrolled infestation can do, the price is quite accessible. The cost of the treatment will depend on the size of the infestation, the area...