We all know that termites will destroy an entire structure if they are given enough time. Thirty years, for example, is more than enough time for a termite infestation to thoroughly damage even a large structure. Thirty years is how long the former Taylor Jewelers building in Corpus Christi had been infested with termites. An infestation lasting that long poses some serious questions regarding the length of time that such an infested building can last without collapsing. In any case, most people would not hold out much hope for the building’s future. However, the current owners of the termite-ridden structure only see more opportunities for success when looking at their dilapidated building. According to the new owners, despite the thirty years of termite damage to the building, the owners have managed to transform the structure into a large ballroom and luxurious conference area.
The building that hosted a thirty year termite infestation contains fourteen thousand square feet of space, and termites managed to infest nearly every part of the once glorious structure. For example, back when the building still contained all of the possessions that existed when it was a jewelry store, termites were found eating away at the jewelry display cases. The invading termites had everything they needed during the full thirty year infestation as the building contained an abundance of wood-made products, and a steady supply of dripping water.
Most people in the town of Corpus Christi cannot remember the jewelry store that once existed. To anyone under the age of thirty five, the boarded up building seemed like it would never change. However, after three full years of cleaning out the building, the new owner is excited about hosting wedding receptions and other events at the building’s new ballroom. According to the owner, several couples have already called to book reservations at the soon to be opened location. It cannot be denied that the owner of the termite-infested building sure knows how to turn a bad situation into an advantage.
If you were in the building due to an event of some sort, would you worry about termite damaged floors or ceilings caving in?
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