Even though the month of June is not yet half over, this summer is already looking like it belongs to termites. Termite swarms and termite-damaged homes are being reported in just about every region in the southern half of the US. As usual, the Gulf Coast states are seeing the greatest degree of termite-induced property damages. Termite swarm sightings have also been reported across the south, and these swarms are being spotted at rates that far outpace previous years. The unusually high degree of termite activity that has been occuring within the US may be due to unusual climatic conditions. Having termite inspections conducted on your property before the summer season begins can save tons of money in the long run.
Pest control professionals operating in the state of Texas have been warning members of the public about the likelihood of increased termite activity during the 2018 year. According to one pest control professional from east Texas, heavy rains mixed with the onset of summer heat provides termites with the environmental conditions that they need to thrive. Termites swarm in response to increasing heat and humidity, and many residents have spotted termites swarming from trees and even within their own homes. Due to the increase in termite activity in east Texas this year, many homeowners may already have a termite infestation, but do not yet know it. This is why having a termite inspection is important shortly before the start of the summer season. Termite inspections are especially important in regions that see frequent hurricanes. After Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida, an astounding amount of dead trees littered the ground. These trees were not taken down solely by the hurricane, as termites also contributed to their demise. Termite infestations weaken trees, making them more apt to fall over due to strong winds. Not surprisingly, timber framed homes are also more apt to collapse during hurricanes if they happen to be infested with termites. Since termite infestations can be difficult to spot, professional termite inspections are necessary in order to keep a home standing during high-wind storms.
Are there any factors that make termite infestations more likely in your home?