Subterranean termites can cause thousands of dollars in damage to the home, and hundreds of dollars in control costs. As such, it’s important to know why these termites infest the home and what you can do to lower the odds of an infestation happening.
Outside of the home
If you are not careful, your backyard could be a treasure trove for subterranean termites. Like most wood-boring insects, subterranean termites prefer wood that is high in moisture. The most common sources of such wood are wood piles, particularly firewood piles. If these wood piles are not protected from the rain, and are in connection to the ground, they are sure to draw the attention of subterranean termites. Even worse, if these piles are close to the home, the odds that the termites will start an infestation indoors grow exponentially.
Other wood sources that may cause issues are tree stumps and mulch. Tree stumps are composed of dead wood, and they are rarely covered. As such, they will rapidly deteriorate and the termites will perform their natural function, which is to make sure that this wood is destroyed. When it comes to mulch, you have the same issue – wood, connected to the ground, and out in the elements. If the stumps or the mulch are close to the home, then your home is at high risk for infestation as well.
Inside of the home
Inside the home, areas such as the basement and crawl spaces will be targeted by termites, because they are close to the ground, and humidity issues often abound in these parts of the home. This is why it’s so important to make sure that the basement or crawlspace of the home are properly ventilated and that any leaky pipes are fixed as soon as possible. Without these measures, the wood of the home will gradually become more attractive to termites.
Control options
There are two main control options when dealing with subterranean termites – chemical barriers and baiting systems. The two perform very different functions, with the barrier being designed to stop an infestation, and the baiting system being used to kill the colony responsible. This is why they are often used in tandem.
For more information about how to prevent subterranean termites infestations, and the best way to deal with them once they actually get into the home, contact us today and we will answer all your questions.