(781) 599-4317 termiteboys@gmail.com
Silent Destroyers Are Back! | The Termite Boys

Silent Destroyers Are Back! | The Termite Boys

Termites are known as “silent destroyers” due to their constant gnawing and ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. Termites can feed 24-hours a day, seven days a week and according to the NPMA, cause more than $5 billion in property...
Silent Destroyers Are Back! | The Termite Boys

Termites and Apartments Don’t Mix | The Termite Boys

We all know that termites are dangerous to homes or properties, but having to deal with them first hand is much more difficult. Termites account for over $5 Billion in property damage in the United States alone each year which is a staggering number. One resident of...
Silent Destroyers Are Back! | The Termite Boys

6 Signs of Termite Damage | The Termite Boys

Termites are a huge problem that could end up costing you thousands of dollars in damages to your property. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA), and The Termite Boys want to help you protect your property from termites! It isn’t always possible for someone...
Silent Destroyers Are Back! | The Termite Boys

Swarming Termite Season | The Termite Boys

The termite season has started and just like in previous years the termites are swarming all over the country. Termite season for the most common termite in the United Sates the Subterranean termite starts in late February to early March, and can last though the end...
Silent Destroyers Are Back! | The Termite Boys

Termite Trivia Time | The Termite Boys

Termites are huge problems for many home or property owners around the world, but how much do you really know about them. Most people don’t really know too much about these silent home destroyers, so familiarize yourself with these termite facts complied by the...