(781) 599-4317 termiteboys@gmail.com
Subterranean Termite Colony Timeline

Subterranean Termite Colony Timeline

The eastern subterranean termite is the most damaging and economically significant termite species in the United States. This species is also the most destructive termite pest in the southeast where termite infestation rates are highest in the country. The eastern...
Termite Inspections Should Not Be Avoided

Termite Inspections Should Not Be Avoided

Even though the month of June is not yet half over, this summer is already looking like it belongs to termites. Termite swarms and termite-damaged homes are being reported in just about every region in the southern half of the US. As usual, the Gulf Coast states are...
Identifying Subterranean Termite Swarmers

Identifying Subterranean Termite Swarmers

When a subterranean termite colony reaches maturity, it will start to reproduce itself. In order to do this, it will send out swarmers or alates, which are winged reproductive termites that will start nests in new locations. This mechanism is similar to that of other...
When Are Termites Most Active?

When Are Termites Most Active?

When we think of spring, we think of blooming flowers and warming weather. The last thing that we want to have on our mind during the season are termites. However, spring is the beginning of termite season, when these insects come out of the ground looking to start...
Everything You Need To Know About Termite Inspections

Everything You Need To Know About Termite Inspections

Termite infestations can creep up on you and stay undetected for years. After all, the wood starts to show signs that termites are present only after it has been thoroughly damaged. At that point, the repair bills can go up into the thousands. In order to prevent...